Ana Pastore Ana Pastore

8: Norway and Hiking

This blog is coming from my first trip in Scandinavia, where I’m based in Sweden for a little while, and taking the opportunity to explore around as much as possible- both within Sweden and neighbouring countries. It’s been wonderful to have a change of scene and pace, and to embrace all of the experiences that come hand in hand.


Last weekend, I was on a trip to Norway to go hiking with a group of friends. Being on the road and seeing the changes of scenery to mind-blowing mountains and fjords was breathtaking.  The typical houses with their cladding painted in red and white, or yellow and white, pop out in the landscape. It was a very cosy roadtrip from Sweden, with good conversations and music- and some little stops at antique/thrift shops along the way for a look.


The hiking was varied- but there were three main hikes. The first afternoon (post a quick settle-in to the cabin) hike led to the top of a waterfall- where a few of the group had a swim in the icy Norwegian water. It was so cold, but the response of the body feels incredible- there’s an intense alertness and warmth afterwards as the body adjusts.


The second day was a far longer hike, where I was lucky enough to be able to pat lots of adorable dogs. This was a more intense mountain, with snow on it still. Having a coffee at the summit while looking out at the view was perfect. That coffee was one of the most enjoyable that I’ve had for a while- despite the fact that it was the polar opposite of what I’d order regularly back in Sydney. The final big hike led us up another mountain, this time we had camp stoves ready to cook up a big lunch with a breathtaking view (pictured). Fresh air made that food taste like one of the finest dishes of my travels.

lunch spot up the mountain

lunch spot up the mountain

Throughout all of this hiking there was plenty of time to reflect, to practice Swedish pronunciation and words, and to just be still- taking in the surroundings and feeling the breath in my body. Being outside so much, moving and eating gave so much space, and allowed me to sift through a lot of thoughts to be able to keep moving forward. It was also really inspiring to see how much Swedes make the most of their summer- spending every possible second of sunshine hours outside.

It’s been some time since I’ve sat down to write a blog, and it’s not for a lack of inspiration- rather an overwhelming amount of changes and experiences that have been taking place. Rather than writing here, I’ve been journaling a lot to clear my head, and undergoing a process of self-reflection. I’m feeling a lot more centred and enjoying the way in which these changes have been shaping my everyday experiences, as I navigate these new spaces and moments.


It’s also great to get back into the traveller’s mindset- where everything is new, words on signs are unfamiliar, products in the supermarket have never been seen before. Despite being here on holidays, I’m not keen on “bumming around”. Taking the opportunity of being here to explore more architecture, language, places and meet people, and really enjoying working on personal projects- from building up this blog and website, to researching and planning postgraduate studies.

Until next time!


More photos from the Norway trip can be found here.

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