Ana Pastore Ana Pastore

1: Welcome!

Having just completed my undergraduate degree in Architecture, I am stuck with the quarter-life crisis of a recent graduate. What comes next? 

The simple answer: this does.

This blog, embedded within my website, is a place for continued learning and personal reflection. 

It’s pieces will likely result in my mother phoning, to let me know that the grammar could certainly use some improving (continued learning comes in all shapes and forms). 

My aim: to continue learning after formal education, and to push my curiosity and creativity in architecture and life. 

Throughout university, I was challenged in so many ways- trying to learn the language of architecture, computer programs, laser cutters and German, while delivering projects that were somewhat resolved, led me to many sleepless nights and breakdowns. 

While this was challenging, I feel that there is still so much left for me to learn- from technical to philosophical and historical. I want to be the best possible person for whatever opportunities present themselves in the future. My experience of architecture thus far has proved incredibly addictive, and my thirst to learn ever present. 

So, in the quest for personal and professional improvement, and to equip myself for postgraduate studies, I’ll be coming to this space. Here, I want to be developing a personal manifesto, building technical skills, revisiting some older projects with fresh eyes, researching, reflecting and reading. 

Each week, I am going to post a short blog. This is a way of making myself accountable for continuing to experiment, work and develop personally. Further, the website and blog can act as an archive of the problems that I have faced, thoughts I have had, places explored and projects that I have experimented with. In terms of content, this will evolve organically, week by week, always coming back to the theme of continued learning

And so, the quest begins. Until next week!


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